Whatsapp Voice Calling Feature: How to enable it.

Whatsapp Voice Calling Feature: How to enable it.

This time Whatsapp arrived with a new Feature, Whatsapp Calling feature now available to all Smart phone user's. To get this feature you need to update Whatsapp messenger with the latest version  2.12.19 then after that the calling feature will be activated. Make sure that the person to whom you are calling to also need to update whatsapp messenger with latest version.

After updating with new version your whatsapp will get designed with three(3) tabs first tab will show a call log details, next one was chat conservation and the final was your contact list, lets start our article with some more details.
Follow below steps to enable your new whatsapp calling feature

  • Firstly you need to update your whatsapp with new version 2.12.19 on play store (or) also you can get it from here

  • Once you download apk file Install it, After that it will automatically update the new calling feature.

  • Find the user who has already enabled this feature, that means find your friend from your contacts list who has already updated with new version then make a call.

  • Once after making a free call to your friend you can view a call log details simply by clicking on CALLS tab.

Whatsapp calling feature only allows to call another whatsapp messenger user's, You can't make calls when the receiver(called person) is offline. Whatsapp calling is Free it doesn't charge you. Whatsapp calling only uses mobile data or wifi connection. 

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Aman Khan

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