Photomath: Smart camera Calculator App

Photomath is Smart camera calculator App. It is available for the users of Iphone, Windows phone and Android.

What is Photomath?

photomath uses your smart phone camera to solve math problems. It makes mathematical calculation easy by simply point your camera to any of your math equation, The solving equation must be fit into the provided red frame so it captures your equation and it simply solves the given equation. Another most useful feature about photomath, It not only solves your equation and also show how the problem was solved by in Step-by-Step  processor. Photomath is most useful to the student.

Photomath can solve your solutions like
  • Arithmetic expressions (eg: +,-,*,%),
  • Fractions and decimals (eg: 3/7),
  • Powers and Roots (eg: 3√7),
  • Simple Linear expressions (eg: X),
  • Absolute values inequalities (eg: |x-7|≤5),
  • Inequalities (eg: <,>,≤,≥),
  • Simple equations (eg: x-7y=7,3x+y=5),
  • Quadratic equations (eg: x2),
  • Absolute equations (eg:|x+3|=7)
soon rest of the features can also be add in upcoming version.

The secreat behind about what this application uses to trace the equations, here in this article I am going to reveal, Photomath uses Optical Character Recognition technology. The company behind this application were microBlink(Learn more about microBlink)

Note: Photomath can only recognize Problems from Printed text like from your text book ..etc. It cannot solve Hand Written text like your daily notes or..etc.

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Aman Khan

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