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Showing posts with label OS. Show all posts

Apple iPhone hidden secret codes

Here, We all know that every smart phone have some number of Hidden secret codes.But, Every one know android Secret codes. So, what about iPhone?. You Guys need not to worry, we came up with some interesting iPhone codes. By using these iPhone codes you can experience some exciting functionalities with those you can change internal settings also.

hidden secret codes of apple bugsbin

The List of iPhone secret codes:

1. Check Cell information and newest network

This code opens you field mode which contains all of iPhone inner settings, Cell information and newest Networks.

check your signal strength on iPhone bugsbin

The signal bar in your mobile phone is not correct method to measure whether the signal is strong or weak. after using this code, You will have a number on top left of your mobile screen. range b/w -4 to -80 means your signal is strong if you are down around -140 then there is no signal.

2. To know your IMEI number

It displays unique code(IMEI). It is a identifier for your mobile phone hardware.

To Check your IMEI Number bugsbin

3. Check your available minutes

It will display your available minutes. (Postpaid only)

Know your postpaid available minutes bugsbin

4. Now, Block caller ID

By using this code you can hide your phone number. while you calling, the victim will receive a call with this message on screen like NO CALLER ID.

Block caller ID on your iPhone bugsbin

5. Know your SMS center

You know, when you send a regular message they are forwarded to a sms center via a specific phone number. To know that number simply dial this code.

know your sms center number in iPhone bugsbin

6. Call Barring

This allows you to block both the incoming and outgoing calls. it is a paid service.

call barring on code on your iPhone-bugsbin

7. Call Waiting

You can ON or OFF call waiting. To ON dail *43#, OFF #43#.

call waiting number code for iPhone- bugsbin

8. Call Forwarding 

Enter this number for call forwarding

call forwarding secret code for iPhone bugsbin

9. Check number of Missed calls

To check number of missed calls

To check missed calls code for iPhone - bugsbin

10. Information info

it will let you know about the information info

to know your information info on your iPhone - bugsbin

If you have any queries regarding this article feel free to comment below.


How To Download And Install iOS 10 Beta

Now Download and Install Official iOS 10 Beta Version released by apple Inc.

As we know, Apple is going to launch iOS 10 very soon may be in September, But for most awaiting users the official iOS 10 Beta version(a Developer Version) is available now. Yes, If you are really interested sign up for Apple's Public Software Beta Program, and get it by following the link HERE.

Download and install iOS 10 beta now-bugsbin

Before going to Install... Once, read the Terms & conditions carefully and make a good contract with Apple Inc.., report bugs on Feedback app which will be available after installing the iOS 10 beta.

Here Step by Step procedure to install ios10 beta:

   In order to download iOS 10 Beta Version.. Make sure to Backup your device and no one holds responsibility to your private Data even apple Inc., In this process if any problem occurs the device may not be restored. So better backup your device.
  • Firstly, navigate to above given link, There you will find "Get Started" Click on that.

  • Secondly, Your device need to be enrolled to get latest public beta version's,software updates.

  • Finally, Install the latest iOS 10 Beta.


If you have any queries regarding this article feel free to comment below.
Don't forget to share this article with your friends.

Follow Admins for more Info: Aman khan , Lohith , Naveen


Find your total IP address info in your PC

 How to Find total IP address info in your PC

                       Helloo..!! We have came back with an useful info for every basic Windows User. Every System connected to Internet will have a unique IP address assigned to it.The IP address means Internet Protocol address. It makes us to differentiate each system in a Network. Without IP configuration we cannot access web although the system is connected with LAN. Generally the IP address will be assigned to our machine by ISP (or) network Admin.


We can check our IP configuration in multiple ways. The simplest among them is below.

  • Go to Run (Windows +R)

  • Type " ncpa.cpl " and hit enter.

  • The network connections window will be opened.

how to find your ip address info on your pc bugsbin

  • The window opened will show the different type of network connections through which a network can be established.

  • Among them Right click on the "Ethernet" and click on "Properties". In some system's the "Ethernet" may vary with the name "Local Area Connection".

finding our ip address info on your pc image -1- bugsbin

  • Now the Properties window will be opened.

find your ip address info in your pc image -1- bugsbin

Select " TCP/IPv4 " among them and click on properties.

There you can find the Whole IP configuration of the PC/Laptop.

Another simple method is to find the Ip configuration using command prompt.

  • Simply open command prompt by typing cmd in run(windows+R) and hit enter.
  • In the command prompt type "ipconfig/all" and hit enter.
  • The whole IP information will be displayed.

Feel free to comment your complaints,queries,doubts,...

Don't ever forget to share this article.



Windows 10 : Now a days in market we are listing a new 
Os called window 10. Recently Microsoft has announced its
new Windows Operating System i.e Windows 10. Microsoft came to the right decision to launch Windows 10 after the good
successor of windows 8.Windows has been one of the most widely used operating system across the world in PC's/laptops
and many smart devices. The W10 First presented in April 2014 at the Build Conference. learn more about Windows 10 by
clicking Here.

Watch the Introducing of Windows 10

Windows 10 versions
    9841 (6.4.9841) on october 1,2014
    9860 (6.4.9860) on october 21,2014
    9879 (6.4.9876) on November 12,2014
    9926 (10.0.9926) on January 23, 2015
   at every versions update windows was updating with new features. windows was a real time tool in life.

Windows 10 Technical Preview Features

Here i was listing out the great features of Windows 10
  • Start Menu in Window7 style
  • New 3 Finger Gestures
  • Taskbar redesigned with new opaque appearance
  • Virtual Desktops
  • Cortana support for U.S English locale
  • Multiple desktops feature allows easy swapping between desktops.
  • Quick switching mode with new taskbar buttons.
  • with no.of New apps
  • Windows frames are restyled
  • Full Screen button was added to Start menu.
Minimum Hardware Requirements for installing Window 10 on your PC's

To install windows 10 Technical preview you need to have the basic hardware requirements which was listed below.
  • Processor: 1 GHz
  • 1 GB RAM( Secondary Memory) for both 32 and 64 bit Operating system.
  • 16 GB Free Hard Disk Space
  • Display Resolution 1024x768 pixels to run Windows Store apps.





Comment your querie,doubts,thoughts,..

Follow admins for more info Aman Khan Anon.